• Study Skills

    You may be aware of academic skills you need to acquire or develop further.  Students are often prevented from achieving their real academic potential due to skills shortages in different areas of study.

    To help you accelerate your learning, perform at the level as your peers or to meet learning standards, the IMM Graduate School has an academic support service available if you:

    • do not know how to structure your study sessions,
    • feel unsure of the requirements of an essay-type answer,
    • have problems answering assessment questions because you sometimes do not feel that you know what is being asked of you,
    • often are not able to complete assessments in the time allowed, 
    • find it hard to understand why you provide what you consider to be ‘good answers’ for which you earn poor marks,
    • are not sure which or how many modules to select for a specific semester,
    • have any other academic issues you feel challenged by.

    If any of these uncertainties have sometimes caused you concern, you can rest assured that there is nothing wrong with worrying about this.  Most, if not all, students have had to confront at least one or a combination of these challenges during their study time.

    What would be however wrong, would be if you do not reach out and ask for help.

    The IMM Graduate School has an Academic Support service you can easily access by contacting Herman Potgieter at hermanp@immgsm.ac.za

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