Case Studies

3. How to approach a case study

3.24. Case study processes during the exam

3.2.4 Case study processes during the exam

Regardless of the question format, there are three processes involved in successfully answering a case study during an exam, namely:


A. Identification of issues and problems

B. Solutions

C. Recommendations

Remember that a case study is not just the recount of the issues and problems, it is also the detailing of solutions and recommendations, e.g. an action plan, to fix the problems the questions relate to. What follows is a discussion of the three processes. Identification of issues and problems

There are three steps involved in the identification and analysis of issues and problems.


Step 1 – overview of the case study (background context)

Understanding the background issues helps to understand the context of the case study. Read the case study to gain an overview, ask, and answer the following questions as you read.

  • What background facts influence the current problems the questions are referring to?
  • What are the constraints or obstacles of the situation?


Step 2 – identifying the problems

Identifying the major problems and their causes at this stage is vital to identify appropriate solutions later. Reread the case study and summarise or list the issues and/or problems in your own words. Make sure you

  • sort the major problems from the minor problems,
  • identify evidence from the case study which relates to each of the problems, and
  • identify underlying causes of the problems.

A useful strategy is to represent the problems and their relationships as a mind map.


Step 3 – linking theory to problems and case evidence

Relating the identified issues and/or problems to theory is vital when answering case studies. This is where you demonstrate your knowledge of the theory in your course and your ability to relate it to practical situations. Use your readings to select appropriate theories to match the identified problems. Integrating relevant theory into your case study answer is vital. This allows you to demonstrate how theory relates to the actual issues/problems found in the case study, as well as to demonstrate your understanding of your course content. Solutions

This section evaluates potential solutions for the identified key problems. Often there is more than one solution, so it is useful to evaluate each solution in terms of its advantages and disadvantages. This will also assist in determining your recommendations. How you structure your analysis, is very important – it should be clear and concise. Use headings and subheadings where possible. Bullet points or numbered lists can also be used to list the advantages and disadvantages. Recommendations

This section should outline your recommendations based upon the given solutions for each of the questions (identified problems). It may also need to include an action plan, e.g. what should be done by whom and the associated timelines. Each recommendation should be realistic, i.e. practical and achievable, and be linked back to relevant and supporting theory.