Assignment 2 Question 5

Assignment 2 Question 5

by Whitney Shannon Davids -
Number of replies: 0

Hi there,

I just need clarity on Question 5 in assignment 2

In this question, it asks for us to "review the theory relating to the competitive structure of industries, with a specific focus on the bargaining power of buyers"

Then it says "From your own personal perspective, apply each factor relating to the bargaining power of suppliers to yourself"

then lastly it says "For each factor, include whether your bargaining power as a buyer is high or low."

where I get confused is it hops from buyers to suppliers and then buyers again. At the beginning of the question, it asks for us to focus specifically on buyers. So what I want to know is, is this a typo? was the second instruction supposed to read "From your own personal perspective, apply each factor relating to the bargaining power of Buyers to yourself" instead of Suppliers? What I understand from this question is that we're supposed to be discussing this topic from a customer's point of view.

Please correct me if I am wrong I have read this question so many times and I am a bit confused